Friday, October 1, 2010

all pumpkins need love, even store bought ones....

lay off news celebrated with a day of puttering around the house in pjs and random tears, wishing tristan was home to cuddle
exhusband bringing me a pumpkin spice latte and taking our lil tart for a sleep over
a family of raccoons dinning on kitty food in our backyard, must have been family night
dinner with my luffer
him buying me a pumpkin, which pumpkins are one of my very favorite things
ice cream and a movie, a scary one to kick off my favorite month
30 minutes into the movie soft snores from the luff, 3 days of 12+ hours will tire a man out, i hope his work day is short tomorrow.

a store bought pumpkin to tide me over till the real pumpkin patch. 
store pumpkins need love too!

rocky road for him peanut butter cup for me


  1. Hey, I just stumbled across your blog and thought I would say hello. :) I love your page design! I've been writing a blog about homeschooling called the Olive Tree Community, but I feel like God is taking me in a new direction now. I would love for you to visit me at my new blog, The Wiferson Handbook. Hope you have a good weekend! Blessings, Erin

  2. glad you stopped by erin! <3
    definitely headin over to your blog to check it out and start following you.
