Friday, January 6, 2012

the new year

well, i think it's time to bring back my little space on the net. 
it's been about 4 months since i've posted.
mountains came be moved in 4 months, ya know.

we have settled well into our new state, and have finally gotten a home of our very own.
it's hard to put in words just how the Lord has been blessing our lives, but He is doing great things. In our lives and inside of us as well. 
the 9 months that we have been in oregon i have seen more fruit from the Lord in my personal life then i ever have in all of my 28 years.
now i'm not saying moving to oregon has fixed all my problems, but i think once i got out of the cloud i allowed myself to be in for years i was able to actually develop a true relationship with Jesus. i was able to actually see the errors in which i was allowing myself to live. i was able to see that i had been negotiating the truth. 

i feel like a completely different person! 
and i've started the year off with a new years resolution like i never have before:

dig deep into what is not negotiable in God's eyes and hold to that standard. as i look back through out my 28 years i notice just how much trouble i got myself into because i let myself fall into negotiating with His truth. the Bible is not negotiable and what better way to prepare myself then studying it everyday.

i'm  very excited to to be reading through the Bible in a year. i've never done this before, i've never even had the desire to read the entire Bible before now!
(for anyone interested check out i'm doing the ESV study

excited to see all the great things to come in this new year. 
so very thankful

1 comment:

  1. dig deep into what is not negotiable in God's eyes and hold to that standard.

    i love this. so much wisdom in such a simple statement. :) glad to see you back on the web!
